Saturday, September 28, 2013

Breaking Up is hard to do!!

I have a small(large to some people) addiction to stuff.  Books, décor, craft supplies, old cards, clothes, etc etc!!  I do throw stuff out but I guess not enough cause damn I have a lot of shit right now that I don't need.  It has got to now!!

So we just bought a new house and my goal was to try and have a garage sale before moving but that was a big epic fail lol!!  Between watching 3 kids, cooking, cleaning and packing to move it was next to impossible to go through everything and organize it into a garage we moved it all to the new house last week and is currently taking up half the garage.  On the plus side I found out last week that the city wide garage sale is Oct 5th so that gives me a week to get ready for one...or not cause I just found out Paul is working the next 7 days straight so no go on the garage sale!  Goodwill here we come!

On the plus side of me saving some stuff, I do have my cabbage patch dolls and some barbies from when I was little(that would make them 25yrs old or so) for my kids to play with!!  But my pride and joy is my He-man and She-ra doll!  Not in perfect condition but they were my favorite cartoons and can't wait for Kaden to be old enough to play with them. 

Now just to say goodbye to the shit I don't really need and get the garage emptied out by the end of goal is to be able to park both cars in the garage this winter! Fingers crossed and wish me luck!!

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