So last Friday a Kirby dealer stopped by wanting to do a demo shampooing our carpets, which is fine for me cause with 3 kids and a dog, it needed it really bad. Paul was getting ready to leave for work so Friday didn't really work for us and we told him up front we didn't want to buy one right now since we are trying to buy a house. However, the man was persistent in showing us and said he could come back Monday(today).
So he actually showed back up today around noon and its now 2:15 and he's still cleaning. We repeatedly told him we weren't interested today but he cleaned anyway. He dropped the price a few times, and still a no go from us, but at least we have clean carpet now. I would love to have one, they are awesome especially with kids and pets! Just not currently in the budget!! $1200 eeks!!
And at what point if you were a door to door salesman would you give up if you knew the person was not going to purchase. I don't think I could try to sell something with that kind of price tag, take 2 1/2hrs to demo it for someone not to purchase!
He did however motivate me to do a deep clean of the house before we leave on vacation in a week!!
Cooking, cleaning, crafting...all with a baby on the hip, a 4yr old, 5yr old and a dog, and lets not forget the man of my dreams!!
Monday, July 29, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
My ass got lazy
This was Paul's weekend to work and its my last night alone(until Thursday) and realized I didn't do a damn thing this weekend. I mean I did...I think...but it doesn't feel that way!!
I mean I did some laundry(I'll finish the rest tomorrow), I cooked dinner all 3 nights(if pre-made freezer meals and leftovers count), and I picked up the house. I played with our 4 1/2 month old(the other 2 are at their moms this week), took the dog on some walks and made a grocery list for homemade baby food prep!! Even with this list I feel like I didn't do enough, even though I was tired at the end of every day.
You see, my boyfriend(aka, the perfect man, even when he drives me nuts) works his butt off so I can stay home with our son and his other 2 kids when we have them. I love being a stay at home mom, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I just feel like he does it all sometimes and I sit around twirling my thumbs.
After last week I feel like I needed a weekend off, and now that tomorrow is Tuesday I feel like I have a whole new list of things to get started on. Even writing this makes me feel a little better, like I didn't waste the WHOLE weekend.
We have 2 weeks until our vacation to Minnesota, then schools starts when we get back. We are also trying to buy a house. It's gonna be a busy month so I guess it's ok if I take a step back every once in a while and feel lazy(as long as I don't sit long enough to get a layer of dust on me).
So now that my whining is over(part of why I started a blog, like an online diary) I'm going to pull up my big girl panties and realize that I do what I do because it makes Paul happy(coming home to a cooked meal and a clean house) and I actually love doing it. Shocker I know, and for all those friends reading this and laughing, yes I became a domestic goddess and I love it so stuff it!!
Thank you babe for loving me for me and letting me be a mommy!!
I mean I did some laundry(I'll finish the rest tomorrow), I cooked dinner all 3 nights(if pre-made freezer meals and leftovers count), and I picked up the house. I played with our 4 1/2 month old(the other 2 are at their moms this week), took the dog on some walks and made a grocery list for homemade baby food prep!! Even with this list I feel like I didn't do enough, even though I was tired at the end of every day.
You see, my boyfriend(aka, the perfect man, even when he drives me nuts) works his butt off so I can stay home with our son and his other 2 kids when we have them. I love being a stay at home mom, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I just feel like he does it all sometimes and I sit around twirling my thumbs.
After last week I feel like I needed a weekend off, and now that tomorrow is Tuesday I feel like I have a whole new list of things to get started on. Even writing this makes me feel a little better, like I didn't waste the WHOLE weekend.
We have 2 weeks until our vacation to Minnesota, then schools starts when we get back. We are also trying to buy a house. It's gonna be a busy month so I guess it's ok if I take a step back every once in a while and feel lazy(as long as I don't sit long enough to get a layer of dust on me).
So now that my whining is over(part of why I started a blog, like an online diary) I'm going to pull up my big girl panties and realize that I do what I do because it makes Paul happy(coming home to a cooked meal and a clean house) and I actually love doing it. Shocker I know, and for all those friends reading this and laughing, yes I became a domestic goddess and I love it so stuff it!!
Thank you babe for loving me for me and letting me be a mommy!!
Want to be a Zulily Affiliate??
Ever thought about making money with your blog or wanting to make more money?? For the next 2 weeks(7/23-8/5), Zulily is looking to add more affiliates to their program. Just click on the link above to get started. Zulily is a great affiliate for mommy(or daddy) bloggers. They have awesome sales on everything from kids clothes to home décor. Don't miss out, click today!!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Party Like You're Famous-Guest Post By Arianna
Party Like
You’re Famous!
Only a tiny percentage of us will ever know
what it’s like to be famous: riding to movie premieres in limousines, taking
private jets to tropical locales, basking in the glow of adoring fans. However,
you can always pretend, from time to time, as though you’re a major star.
My girlfriends and I were lounging by the pool the other day when this very subject came up. As we started conversing, eventually more and more excitedly, we realized that we really could stage our own celebrity-inspired events. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out these ideas!
Celebrity summer: Private, Exotic Vacation Spot
you imagine owning your own private island? Island ownership must represent the
peak of celebrity life! Johnny Depp and Julia Roberts are proud owners of
exclusive locales surrounded by turquoise waters. Celebs can gather friends, charter a private jet
and head out for their own paparazzi free vacation! When throwing a party here,
you definitely wouldn’t have to worry about waking the neighbors!
Real-life summer: Secret Local Destination
second thought, you don’t need your own island to have an outdoor blast. All
you and your family need are swimsuits, snorkel gear, and sand buckets. Gather
those items and head over to the nearest beach, lake, or water park. Being with
your family, splashing around, soaking up the sun -- those activities can be
just as enjoyable as anything Leonardo DiCaprio does on his island. Plus, if
you arrive at this destination during an off time, like early on a weekday
morning, it may be sparsely attended giving that private property feel!
Celebrity summer: Teen Choice Awards
Teen Choice Awards are the Oscars for the younger crowd! Teenagers vote for
winners in such categories as “Male Hottie.” And after this annual summertime
show, the parties’ rage- celebrities get to exhibit their youthful sides, no
matter their ages. Believe it or not, tickets
to these after parties can cost up to $2,400!
Real-life summer:
Celebrate the Teen Choice Awards at Home
friends and family over to watch the Teen Choice Awards on a rented projector! Then throw a
“celebrity” party of your own. Set up a red carpet and a fun backdrop as a
photo booth! Help pass the time during commercial Serve mini appetizers and
desserts to munch on while talk you cheer (and boo) for your favorite
Celebrity summer:
Hollywood Luau
stars have always loved Hawaii: Elvis Presley, George Clooney, Adam Sandler,
and many others have shot movies there. And they sometimes celebrate that by
bringing Hawaii to them! For example, Extra TV hosts Maria Manounos’s recent
35th birthday party was an elaborate luau complete with surfboards, leis, and
wild island creatures such as boa constrictors! Guests toasted at midnight with
a sponsored drink by Patron Tequila!
Real-life summer: Exotic
Backyard Party
your birthday, or another occasion, by throwing an exotic backyard event! It
could be a luau, or it could be a party themed to a different culture entirely,
such as a Moroccan
or Grecian party. Make your guests feel as though they’ve traveled thousands of
miles by incorporating international dishes and decorations such as colorful
vases and lanterns!
Arianna is a full-time mom and a fashion-lover, world
traveler, animal lover, and family woman extraordinaire. She loves to cook
and bake, travel to new places, share great fashion finds, and spend time
doing crafts and projects at home with her kids. She’s got a crazy busy
life, but she wouldn’t have it any other way! Follow her blog at!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Whirlwind of a weekend
OK...finally have a breather!! Between out of town guests, a teething baby, 2 more kids and a boyfriend, things have been a little busy. Don't get me wrong, I love(d) every minute of it but sometimes finding time to sit down and type is a little hard.
Rewind to last Thursday, Paul's 2 sisters(Rosemary and MaryAnne) came to visit for a few days. They left home Thursday morning from Minnesota and arrived around 5pm. Since everyone was hungry and Paul was working that night we piled into my car and went to Chipotle then to my moms church. They were having a huge rummage sale Thurs-Sat and I wanted to check it out. I did find some good Disney classics for the kiddos and some clothes for all 3! His sisters also found a few good deals(one of those being Pictionary).
On Friday morning Paul picked up the kids from their moms on his way home from work. They were a little shy with their aunts at first but warmed up after a while. We piled into 2 cars that morning and went to the kids last day of swim lessons(click here for that post), then came home and got the slipping slide out!
Rewind to last Thursday, Paul's 2 sisters(Rosemary and MaryAnne) came to visit for a few days. They left home Thursday morning from Minnesota and arrived around 5pm. Since everyone was hungry and Paul was working that night we piled into my car and went to Chipotle then to my moms church. They were having a huge rummage sale Thurs-Sat and I wanted to check it out. I did find some good Disney classics for the kiddos and some clothes for all 3! His sisters also found a few good deals(one of those being Pictionary).
On Friday morning Paul picked up the kids from their moms on his way home from work. They were a little shy with their aunts at first but warmed up after a while. We piled into 2 cars that morning and went to the kids last day of swim lessons(click here for that post), then came home and got the slipping slide out!
After that we came inside to make some dinner before Paul went to work. Made a new Pork Chop recipe which was pretty good, or so I thought, and also made some Cinnamon rolls. Now, the cinnamon roll recipe is Paul's moms, so of course I tried my best to get them right. The first batch didn't turn out(my oven cooks a little hot I guess and they burnt) but the second batch was pretty good. Best part was I made the dough in the bread machine so that saved on so much time!!
Saturday was a lazy hang out at home day. We got the slipping slide out again and grilled some hamburgers and hotdogs. Afterwards we went up to the park(hoping to wear the kids out a little more)then home for a quick movie then off to bed!!

After the kids went to sleep, out came a game of Pictionary...and that was pretty interesting!! Let's just say I suck at drawing and rolling a dice(kept getting 1's) but at least I didn't draw this...
That is a picture of a stick figure tumbling and a pipe with weed, tumble weed was the word(s)!! That one had us laughing for a while. Rosemary's husband was back in Minnesota so we facetimed him for part of the game so we could join in...
This is how Mark called...a little scary and not sure I really wanted to answer but I did and we all had many more laughs throughout the game!!
On Sunday the girls went home and we had another lazy day recovering from our visitor's. It was a fun few days and today Paul has to go back to work. I don't like these days but I know he has to go. Only a few more weeks and then we get to see all of them in Minnesota for our next adventure.
Come back tomorrow to check out the guest post by Arianna-Party Like You're Famous
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Sunday, July 14, 2013
Dive Dive Dive!!!
So Friday was the last day of swimming lessons and although they did not pass they improved so much. From the first day of class 2 weeks ago they wouldn't even put their head completely under the Rylan will sit on the bottom of the pool. I'm so happy that they are getting more comfortable with the water(esp since we are trying to buy a house that has one), I love swimming so I don't want them to have any fear of it either.
Since it was the last day of lessons it was a day of play so they got to bring life jackets with them and went off the diving board. Well, more like helped off the diving board!! Lilly went first, did great but I think was a little scared so she didn't go again. Rylan went next, did great also and then went a few more times.
We also had some out of town guests so they came along to watch the kids swim. Paul's 2 sisters Rosemary and MaryAnne, and then Cecilia(MaryAnne's little girl) all piled into the car with me and we went to the pool. Cecilia wore her swimming suit and the pool said since she was under 2 she could play in the pool also.
Since summer is far from over...hopefully they will remember what they have learned and we can practice then maybe next year they can move on to the next level.
Friday, July 12, 2013
WWE Neighbor Smackdown
So I'm usually a nice person, even if someone else isn't so nice but the minute someone drags my family(esp the kids) into it...the b#*ch is going down!!
Tonight, like most nights we took Angel(our dog) for a walk. We did have a few extra peeps joining in the walk tonight since we have some out of town guests visiting(another story for another day). I was the first to get back to the front door and as I was walking up the little(7 & 8yr old) girls next door said hi, then proceeded to tell me that Bonnie(their dads live in girlfriend) said our kids are bad(not totally sure on this word since the other girl started telling her sister to be quiet) but needless to say if it wasn't something bad about our kids then the one wouldn't have tried to stop the other from talking. First, why in the world would you tell your kids that, they repeat everything! Second, look in the mirror first before saying anything about my family and if after looking in the mirror you still have something to say then say it to my face. Ugh!!
This is not the first time we've had issues with Bonnie. The part I really don't understand is how immature Bonnie has been acting the last few weeks yet complains about her immature boyfriend constantly. Rather than b#*ching about our kids maybe she should be more concerned about what's going on in her own household first cause I know first hand it's worse there than here!!
Sorry for venting but my options were limited...either talking about it for a little bit on here or punching her in the face!! I figured this was the cheaper of the two plus I really didn't want to go to jail tonight, cause you know of the whole breastfeeding thing!! My son would starve! :)
Tonight, like most nights we took Angel(our dog) for a walk. We did have a few extra peeps joining in the walk tonight since we have some out of town guests visiting(another story for another day). I was the first to get back to the front door and as I was walking up the little(7 & 8yr old) girls next door said hi, then proceeded to tell me that Bonnie(their dads live in girlfriend) said our kids are bad(not totally sure on this word since the other girl started telling her sister to be quiet) but needless to say if it wasn't something bad about our kids then the one wouldn't have tried to stop the other from talking. First, why in the world would you tell your kids that, they repeat everything! Second, look in the mirror first before saying anything about my family and if after looking in the mirror you still have something to say then say it to my face. Ugh!!
This is not the first time we've had issues with Bonnie. The part I really don't understand is how immature Bonnie has been acting the last few weeks yet complains about her immature boyfriend constantly. Rather than b#*ching about our kids maybe she should be more concerned about what's going on in her own household first cause I know first hand it's worse there than here!!
Sorry for venting but my options were limited...either talking about it for a little bit on here or punching her in the face!! I figured this was the cheaper of the two plus I really didn't want to go to jail tonight, cause you know of the whole breastfeeding thing!! My son would starve! :)
Friday, July 5, 2013
4th of July and...a ring??
So in the past this would have been recovery day but now having a breastfeeding baby and 2 other kids that like to get up early we kept the Independence Day celebrating to a minimum. To me that means good food, good family/friends, and a good fireworks show! We went to my dads to celebrate, they have an awesome view on their back deck that you can see fireworks going off in so many directions.
But first let me back up and tell you about the day leading up to the awesome night...Paul's been on nights so he got home around 8am and crashed. Lilly had woken me up around 630am so by 10 she was getting crabby. Rylan woke up around 8am and was fine until lunch time. It took him 2hrs to eat was like pulling teeth to get him to eat!! I was trying to keep the kids as quiet as possible so that they wouldn't wake Paul up...well he never woke up but they were not quiet!! They fought, they wouldn't eat, they wouldn't listen...I wanted to pull my hair out. On top of that, the baby is teething so he is also crabby right now. I couldn't wait for 4pm to get there so Paul would be awake to help. Finally around 3pm the kids shaped up a little which gave me a chance to breathe before getting them all ready to go to my dads.
Now the other day we made our own shirts to wear for the 4th of July, and they were excited to make them but when it came time to actually wear them Lilly didn't want too. She just wanted to put hers in the trash. We finally came to an understanding(she got to bring an extra outfit to change into, which she never did) and everyone finally got dressed. I can't believe I've turned into one of those moms that makes her family wear matching shirts for a holiday...but I think we all look pretty cute together
But first let me back up and tell you about the day leading up to the awesome night...Paul's been on nights so he got home around 8am and crashed. Lilly had woken me up around 630am so by 10 she was getting crabby. Rylan woke up around 8am and was fine until lunch time. It took him 2hrs to eat was like pulling teeth to get him to eat!! I was trying to keep the kids as quiet as possible so that they wouldn't wake Paul up...well he never woke up but they were not quiet!! They fought, they wouldn't eat, they wouldn't listen...I wanted to pull my hair out. On top of that, the baby is teething so he is also crabby right now. I couldn't wait for 4pm to get there so Paul would be awake to help. Finally around 3pm the kids shaped up a little which gave me a chance to breathe before getting them all ready to go to my dads.
Now the other day we made our own shirts to wear for the 4th of July, and they were excited to make them but when it came time to actually wear them Lilly didn't want too. She just wanted to put hers in the trash. We finally came to an understanding(she got to bring an extra outfit to change into, which she never did) and everyone finally got dressed. I can't believe I've turned into one of those moms that makes her family wear matching shirts for a holiday...but I think we all look pretty cute together
I also brought the dessert this year...and being a pinoholic I looked and looked until I found something yummy yet easy to make since my day wasn't going that great. I made brownies in my mini muffin pan, and used raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and big marsh mellows to make dessert kabobs. They were delicious!!!
So even though my day started out a little shaky it end great.
Now on to the day after...started out normal, kids up around 8. Cartoons turned on, cereal for breakfast, took the dog for a walk...then Paul went out to clean the garage. The kids decided to play outside so that gave me a chance to pick up the house a little(and blog). After an hour or so outside Paul walks in and says he needs my help with something. I'm on the ground cleaning up play-doh not really paying close attention to him. He finally says it will only take a minute and that he really only needs my finger. I lift my right hand and he laughs and says no your other hand. He has a zip tie in his hand and puts it on my ring finger...I suppose that's a step in the right direction. Maybe a promise for an engagement ring, only he knows lol. I did glam it up a bit after he went back outside with some glitter polish. Diamond or no diamond I know he loves me and that's what really counts!!
So that is the start to my weekend, wonder if anything else interesting(wink, wink) will happen. I hope everyone had a great Independence day and have a great weekend...I know I will!!
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4th of July,
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy 4th...Day of Awesome Sales at Zulily
The Fourth of July means family, food, fun, décor - and fashion! is having their July 4th Blowout Sale and this amazing offer has everything! Only members can shop zulily events, but membership is free and signing up is quick and easy. Don't miss your chance to shop today!!
To start shopping today!!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Summer time...swimming and painting
So now that summer has been going strong for a month now...the kids started their swim lessons this week. Now, I did not go to any of their lessons last year but from I've been told they did not enjoy them at all. They barely participated and therefore had to repeat this year( but they were 3 and 4 last year). Not the case this year...I'm pretty sure they will pass with flying colors...
They still take a little warming up to get their faces in the water if they are asked to blow bubbles but don't seem to mind getting their faces wet if they are jumping in. Oh how the minds of a 4 and 5(almost) work.
Paul and I sure enjoyed watching them, and we love that they are loving it. We both love the water so we want them too also. I'm not so sure about Kaden though, I'm thinking he got a little bored waiting for his brother and sister to be done, or he was jealous that he couldn't go in.
On another note, I have a few crafts projects that I want to do with the kiddos this summer(Thank You Pinterest) so last night we started one for the 4th of July. Easy Peasy...Fabric paint and shirts is all we needed. We made flags on the shirts using our handprint for the blue and our fingers for the red strips.
Now...I made one for Kaden too using his hand. I don't have any pics of that cause Paul was at work. Note to self, make sure both parents(or at least another adult) is present to help. He wouldn't open his hand(he is only 4 months) so I tried to pry his little fingers open for him. We ended up getting paint over both my hands, his hands, his chest, his legs, my arm and my shirt(Sorry Paul I need to go shopping now :) love you!) so straight to the bathtub he went. You can't really tell its his hand but that's the fun of it...its a one of a kind Kaden original. I did however make the strips for him cause I was not about to get paint all over him again. Tonight Paul and I made ours so tomorrow we will be wearing them(And yes I'm going to be one of those crazy moms that wants her family to match for the holiday) to my dads for the 4th of July celebration.
Now let the summer fun continue...
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They still take a little warming up to get their faces in the water if they are asked to blow bubbles but don't seem to mind getting their faces wet if they are jumping in. Oh how the minds of a 4 and 5(almost) work.
Paul and I sure enjoyed watching them, and we love that they are loving it. We both love the water so we want them too also. I'm not so sure about Kaden though, I'm thinking he got a little bored waiting for his brother and sister to be done, or he was jealous that he couldn't go in.
On another note, I have a few crafts projects that I want to do with the kiddos this summer(Thank You Pinterest) so last night we started one for the 4th of July. Easy Peasy...Fabric paint and shirts is all we needed. We made flags on the shirts using our handprint for the blue and our fingers for the red strips.
Now...I made one for Kaden too using his hand. I don't have any pics of that cause Paul was at work. Note to self, make sure both parents(or at least another adult) is present to help. He wouldn't open his hand(he is only 4 months) so I tried to pry his little fingers open for him. We ended up getting paint over both my hands, his hands, his chest, his legs, my arm and my shirt(Sorry Paul I need to go shopping now :) love you!) so straight to the bathtub he went. You can't really tell its his hand but that's the fun of it...its a one of a kind Kaden original. I did however make the strips for him cause I was not about to get paint all over him again. Tonight Paul and I made ours so tomorrow we will be wearing them(And yes I'm going to be one of those crazy moms that wants her family to match for the holiday) to my dads for the 4th of July celebration.
Now let the summer fun continue...
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