Rewind to last Thursday, Paul's 2 sisters(Rosemary and MaryAnne) came to visit for a few days. They left home Thursday morning from Minnesota and arrived around 5pm. Since everyone was hungry and Paul was working that night we piled into my car and went to Chipotle then to my moms church. They were having a huge rummage sale Thurs-Sat and I wanted to check it out. I did find some good Disney classics for the kiddos and some clothes for all 3! His sisters also found a few good deals(one of those being Pictionary).
On Friday morning Paul picked up the kids from their moms on his way home from work. They were a little shy with their aunts at first but warmed up after a while. We piled into 2 cars that morning and went to the kids last day of swim lessons(click here for that post), then came home and got the slipping slide out!
After that we came inside to make some dinner before Paul went to work. Made a new Pork Chop recipe which was pretty good, or so I thought, and also made some Cinnamon rolls. Now, the cinnamon roll recipe is Paul's moms, so of course I tried my best to get them right. The first batch didn't turn out(my oven cooks a little hot I guess and they burnt) but the second batch was pretty good. Best part was I made the dough in the bread machine so that saved on so much time!!
Saturday was a lazy hang out at home day. We got the slipping slide out again and grilled some hamburgers and hotdogs. Afterwards we went up to the park(hoping to wear the kids out a little more)then home for a quick movie then off to bed!!

After the kids went to sleep, out came a game of Pictionary...and that was pretty interesting!! Let's just say I suck at drawing and rolling a dice(kept getting 1's) but at least I didn't draw this...
That is a picture of a stick figure tumbling and a pipe with weed, tumble weed was the word(s)!! That one had us laughing for a while. Rosemary's husband was back in Minnesota so we facetimed him for part of the game so we could join in...
This is how Mark called...a little scary and not sure I really wanted to answer but I did and we all had many more laughs throughout the game!!
On Sunday the girls went home and we had another lazy day recovering from our visitor's. It was a fun few days and today Paul has to go back to work. I don't like these days but I know he has to go. Only a few more weeks and then we get to see all of them in Minnesota for our next adventure.
Come back tomorrow to check out the guest post by Arianna-Party Like You're Famous
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