So now that summer has been going strong for a month now...the kids started their swim lessons this week. Now, I did not go to any of their lessons last year but from I've been told they did not enjoy them at all. They barely participated and therefore had to repeat this year( but they were 3 and 4 last year). Not the case this year...I'm pretty sure they will pass with flying colors...
They still take a little warming up to get their faces in the water if they are asked to blow bubbles but don't seem to mind getting their faces wet if they are jumping in. Oh how the minds of a 4 and 5(almost) work.
Paul and I sure enjoyed watching them, and we love that they are loving it. We both love the water so we want them too also. I'm not so sure about Kaden though, I'm thinking he got a little bored waiting for his brother and sister to be done, or he was jealous that he couldn't go in.
On another note, I have a few crafts projects that I want to do with the kiddos this summer(Thank You Pinterest) so last night we started one for the 4th of July. Easy Peasy...Fabric paint and shirts is all we needed. We made flags on the shirts using our handprint for the blue and our fingers for the red strips.
Now...I made one for Kaden too using his hand. I don't have any pics of that cause Paul was at work. Note to self, make sure both parents(or at least another adult) is present to help. He wouldn't open his hand(he is only 4 months) so I tried to pry his little fingers open for him. We ended up getting paint over both my hands, his hands, his chest, his legs, my arm and my shirt(Sorry Paul I need to go shopping now :) love you!) so straight to the bathtub he went. You can't really tell its his hand but that's the fun of it...its a one of a kind Kaden original. I did however make the strips for him cause I was not about to get paint all over him again. Tonight Paul and I made ours so tomorrow we will be wearing them(And yes I'm going to be one of those crazy moms that wants her family to match for the holiday) to my dads for the 4th of July celebration.
Now let the summer fun continue...
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