Friday, May 31, 2013

I need a nap...or a drink...or both to keep my sanity

So the last 24hrs plus have been a little crazy.  Between baking, laundry, packing, sick baby, errands, and cleaning I'm about to hit a brick wall.

Starting yesterday morning this is how my time has been spent...

630am-wake up, take dog out, feed baby and watch a movie

830am-eat breakfast, put load of laundry in

900am-change out laundry, start sorting out kids clothes to pack

945am-change out laundry(fold and put away first load), start cookie batch #1-chocolate caramel, feed baby again(and as a reminder Im breastfeeding so I can't do anything else while he's eating)

1100am-take dog out, change out laundry(fold and put away second load), eat a snack, start cookie batch #2-blueberry cheesecake

Noon-feed baby, change out laundry(did not put that load away right then, basket on the bed was as far as it got for while), wash dishes(needed some clean bowls for more cookies

1230pm-lunch(which means scarf down my food in under 5mins), play with baby, start cookie batch #3-white chocolate cranberry

*this is how my afternoon was spent, on repeat!!  Ended up doing 6 loads of laundry(2 the day before), 4 different kinds of cookies(a plate for my neighbor who is watching our dog this weekend, a plate for our new neighbors that just moved in, a bucket for us to take to MN this weekend, and a bucket to keep at home.

Finally got some down time with my honey around 9pm, then went to bed around 1130-midnight!!

1230am today- baby wakes up extremely congested and choking on his snot

1235am-took baby to living room so Paul could get some sleep since he worked today

1240am to 230am-baby cried on and off(mostly on), I did a lot a nose sucking to try and help him but it just kept on coming.

230am-fell asleep on couch feeding baby(and only guessing on time here, that's the last time I looked at the clock.

5am-woke up in pain from sleeping on the couch, went back to bed in the bedroom

7am-fed baby, ate breakfast

8am-packed kids suitcase, laid out our clothes on bed

9am-called doc for baby, his congestion got bad again

10am-snuggled on couch and played with baby for a few minutes, fed baby

1045am-started packing our suitcases

1130am-did some more dishes, took dog out(rain finally stopped)

Noon-finished packing, fed baby

1pm-started blogging...

From then on its all kind of a blur, I went to Target, the bank, took a shower, blogged so more, ate another snack, fed the baby a few more times. Still left on the list, take dog for a walk, pack snacks, and give baby a bath.  I have 2hrs left before we load up and hit the road...and I didn't get my nap or a drink(unless lots and lots of coffee count)!! 

Monday, May 27, 2013

1st Anniversary coming up soon...(Do not read Paul, not for your eyes!!)

So my one year anniversary is coming up and even though we are not married we decided to give each other traditional gifts.  I however already had my gift for Paul, but lucky me the first year is paper so I'm pretty sure my gift qualifies. 

So I know Shutterfly has been around for a while(I'm behind times) but I've just recently really gotten into it.  Its really gotten me ahead of the game on so much(I'm usually a do it the last minute kinda girl), but I already have a father's day card, my anniversary gift and 2 kids birthday presents.  I'm loving it!!  Below is a link to the gift I made Paul, I hope he really likes it.  It kinda sums up our first year together, nice and neat in a little book...

My Shutterfly gift to Paul...

*For anyone else who doesn't know the yearly traditional gifts I found an awesome link on, they also list modern anniversary gifts!!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Getting my ASS back in shape...

So 3 months ago yesterday I had my first child, Kaden, cutest baby ever(I am partial though since he's mine).  I was due on February 20th but had him the 25th, with lots of help.  You see he was 10lbs and 5oz and he did not want to come out.  Maybe he knew he wouldn't fit so he decided to make himself comfy(on a nerve no less) and wait to see what we would do.

During my whole pregnancy there was never any indication that he was that big.  My stomach always measured dead on with the week I was, I didn't have gestational diabetes, and I ate pretty healthy.  I wore my regular jeans up to about 8 1/2 months, and only gained 30-35lbs, average from where my starting weight was.  My boyfriends other 2 kids were 7 and 8lbs, both he and I where average 7lb babies so needless to say 10.5 was a surprise.

When the day finally came to have my baby boy, I was in labor for 12hrs, pushed for 3, and ended up having a c-section.  Damn kids head was just too big to come out.  So because of my unexpected c-section recovery has taken a little longer than I thought.  I was back down to my starting weight 2weeks after he was born, but hell he was 1/3 of it, water another 1/3 so I really only had 10lbs to loose.  My weight(fat) is proportioned differently though and my stomach muscles are weak as hell.  

So here is where my journey(ASS back in shape) begins...slowly at first.  I found my Zumba DVD and did parts of it this morning, jumping still hurts, but at least I can build my abs without laying on the ground doing sit-ups.  When weather permits, I take my dog on walks in the neighborhood so that's a plus.  I get my arm workout from my child(he's mistaken for a 4-5month old all the time) so building plenty of muscle there.  I know I won't be bikini ready for summer, cause its already here, but I would like to be in better shape by the end of summer.  Ill keep you all posted of how this goes but in the end it was all worth it!!  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Schools Out For Summer(singing like Alice Cooper)

Now that pre-school is over, summer finally begins!  So after reading all these thing that people are doing with their kids this summer I decided to make a summer bucket list.  A family one full of fun things for us to try and do, and some learning activities for the kids to help prepare for kindergarden and preschool next year!!

Family Bucket List
1. Camping-start with one night maybe in the backyard and see how the kids do
2. Zoo-lots of cool things to see there
3. Pool on those hot hot days
4. Slide-n-slide
5. Parks-to tire them out so I can rest :)
6. Art projects
7. Make kid gardens(each have their own pot to take care of)
8. Crown Center(aquarium, Lego, the fountain)

Rylan's Bucket List
1. Learn to ride bike without training wheels
2. Tie own shoes
3. Read the clock
4. Write full name on own
5. Flash cards(spelling, numbers, etc)
6. Help put laundry away

Lilly's Bucket List
1. Write name on own
2. Flash cards(spelling, numbers, etc)
3. Sleep in underwear all night
4. Help put laundry away

I'm sure I'll add to the list over the next few weeks as I play on Pinterest and find more things for the kids to do and feel free to comment and leave suggestions!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Double Chocolate Pudding Cookies

Continuing on my epic cookie adventure...this week I made double chocolate pudding cookies.  So far the results from family and friends who have tried them are "Mmmmm", "Damn these are good", "Wow can I have another", and some other noises that I'm not sure how to write out but pretty much sounded like they were having an orgasm.

So here it is...the OMG cookie recipe...

Double Chocolate Pudding Cookie


1 cup margarine(or butter)  softened
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
3.4oz pkg instant vanilla pudding mix
2 eggs (at room temp)
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1 cup white chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Cream together butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl
Stir in pudding mix(dry) and vanilla
Beat in one egg at a time
In separate bowl mix flour, baking soda, and baking powder
Slowly stir in flour mix into wet ingredients
Stir in chocolate chips
Spray cookie sheet
Spoon cookie dough onto the baking sheet
Bake for 8-10 minutes

I'm not a huge chocolate chip cookie fan but these are awesome.  Thank god we have a dog that I take for walks daily, a 3yr old and a 4yr old to chase after because I'm pretty sure I ate half of the cookies!,

Monday, May 20, 2013

Rain rain go away...nah...let's play!!

So yesterday was a beautiful day, got some sun, smoked a chicken, kids played outside and my bestie came to visit!!  We all knew the weather was to change in the evening.  The weatherman had been calling for a strong storm all week...and it finally hit!!

The kids loved it...running around playing in the rain.  I loved it caused it washed all the days dirt off so we didn't have to give them baths last night.  Luckily they didn't find a mud hole or else bath it would have been!!

The storm didn't last that long and it was dinner/bed time soon after so we'll have to play in the rain again another day.  Maybe next time the rain won't be so cold.  The kids didn't seem to mind while running around but once they stopped they were freezing.  Fun times had by all!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

White Chocolate Chip Cranberry Cookie...

So as of late I've been on a cookie kick, so I might as well continue and make a cookie of the week post.  This week I made white chocolate chip cranberry cookies, and they are yummy!!

White Chocolate Chip Cranberry Cookie
3/4 cup(1.5 sticks) unsalted butter, room temp
3/4 cup dark brown sugar(I used light)
1/4 cup sugar
1 large egg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons cornstarch(making your flour a cake flour, much softer)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup white chocolate chips
3/4 cup dried cranberries

In a large bowl using a mixer(hand-held or stand) , cream the butter and sugars together on medium until fluffy.  Mix in egg and vanilla. Scrape down the sides as needed.  On low speed, mix in flour, cornstarch, baking soda and salt.  Stir in white chocolate chips and dried cranberries.  Chill dough for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350.  Drop balls of dough(1.5 tablespoons each) onto greased cookie sheet.  Bake for 8-9 minutes, until barely golden brown around the edges.

*Im not a huge soft cookie person so I left mine in a few extra minutes and they are still delicious.

Now I'm off to eat some cookies and try to find a yummy looking cookie to make next week!!

Winter to Summer in t-minus 30 seconds

Lazy day in the sun(shade) is about as good as it gets.  Not a care in the world just playing until you're so worn out you don't fight going to bed!  It's half way through May and this was the hottest its been all year.

You see, I live in Kansas(the good ole Midwest) and we usually have warm weather by March/April, warm as in 70s.  However this year the weather is up and down almost on a daily basis.  Even had snow flurries one morning then sunny and 60 by the afternoon and it snowed in May which is just not cool!!  In the past the weather slowly warms up over a few months to prepare us for the hot dry summers.  This year we were just kinda thrown into the hot weather without warning.  Makes it a little harder to adjust but we enjoy it all the same.

It's finally that time a year that the kids can p,ah outside daily(unless its raining really bad).  One, it wears them out more so no fighting to go to bed.  Second, they get better exercise when playing outside.  Only have so much room indoors for them to run around.

Summer means its sidewalk chalk, bike riding, 4-wheeling(kid style), bbqing time!!  The best time for having friends and family over.  To go to the park and explore, go to the pool, or put up the slipping slide in the backyard.

Summer has arrived!!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day...everyday!!

First and foremost I want to wish all Mothers and mother figures a Happy Mothers Day!!  So many women deserve a high five today...everyday for that matter.

I myself have multiple mothers, my mom, my stepmom and a b-mom!  I also have my boyfriends mother who I might as well call my mother in law.  Each one of these women has impacted my life some way.  I've butted heads with them, learned life lessons from them, cried and laughed with them. Without them I would not be who I am today, I would not be the mother I am today!  I have a greater appreciation for my moms now that I'm a mom myself even if that's only been for a few months

I hope to one day have my children grow up thinking I'm an awesome mom, someone they can go to for anything.  To know I give my love to them unconditionally, even when they are in trouble.  If my children are anything like me, they'll definitely be in trouble a time or two!! :)

I think it's great there is a day to celebrate moms(and dads) but everyday parents should be celebrated.  Whether they are stay at home parents taking care of the kids or working 9-5 so those kids can have the clothes and toys they want.  Everyday is Mother's Day, remember that so anytime you see a mom, give her a smile and thumbs up.  It will make her day and she'll know she's doing good.  I know I sometimes have to be reminded I'm doing good(esp when Kaden is crying and nothing seems to calm him down).  So thank you moms of the world for keeping us kids(young and old) loved!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blueberry Cheesecake cookies...aka heaven in your mouth!!

So my dad and stepmom came over for dinner last night to see the family aka Kaden since they are going out of town for a month.  I've been on a sweet kick the last few days and decided to make some cookies(cause the peanut butter fudge I made the day before just wasn't enough sweets) for dessert.  I looked through all the Pinerest pins I had until I came across this one...Blueberry Cheesecake Cookies!!  They are delicious, and I'm not a huge cookie person but these I will make again...and again!!  (I even had a couple for breakfast but don't tell the kids, I made them eat a banana)

Blueberry Cheesecake Cookies
4oz cream cheese 
1stick of butter
1/2c light brown surgery, firmly packed
2 eggs
2 boxes Jiffy Blueberry Muffin mix(I used 1 box of Betty Crocker)
1 1/2c white chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 325 degrees

Cream together butter, cream cheese, and brown sugar.  Add eggs one at a time until blended.  Combine muffin mix with the butter mixture and mix well.  Fold in chocolate chips.  Chill for at least one hour.  Drop by tablespoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet, 2 inches apart.  Bake for 13-15mins or until just turning brown around the edges.  Cool for 1-2 mins!!  

They look really fat and fluffy while baking like a muffin but turn out so yummy in the end!!  I'm pretty sure these will be gone before the weekend.  I'm hoping my sweet tooth will be over by then, I'm trying to loose weight after having a baby not gain it.  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Catholic Blowout...aka poopy diaper!!

So last night we went to Saturday night mass with my "in laws" in this cute little church in Elba Minnesota.  It is only one room, so if your child is screaming you step outside not into a cry room!!  On average there are maybe 30-40 people there however last night it didn't seem as full.  I am not catholic(or very religious at all) so I don't know all the rules of church when I go.

In March when we visited and I ended up downstairs(which you get to from outside) because my 1month old scream within the first few minutes of being there.  He's now 2 1/2 months and this time was quite...until he let out very wet sounding fart!!  But it wasn't a fart!!! :)

Oh my Lordy did it smell, so bad that the man in front of us moved up a pew after communion(I'm assuming that's why he moved).  I was going to get up and go downstairs to change him but he was leaking everywhere(including on my sweater...little turd, no pun intended) but ended up changing him right there in the pew.  To make it worse, when I took off the nasty poopy diaper and the edges folded in right on the poop so I couldn't roll it up correctly.  I ended up wrapping a wipe around it then the poopy clothes and sticking it on top of the diaper bag.  I could smell it thru the rest of the service and wondered who else could too(but didn't really care).

God forgives bad smells...right??

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blowouts... son is now 2months old and in that time I've had only 2 leaky diapers. Those leaks left little evidence on his clothes.   Today however (and its only 1130am) he is now in his 4th outfit.  I don't understand what makes today different!!

But wait I do know, we're leaving town tomorrow so I'm doing laundry, packing bags, cleaning house...oh and my parents are coming over for dinner.  I also have to go to the bank and the grocery store all while cleaning up poopy diapers and poopy wet clothes!!

Today is not the day for day is really the day for cleaning up poop.  At least he's not to the age of playing in it yet.  Oh the stories to come once that day hits!!