Friday, May 31, 2013

I need a nap...or a drink...or both to keep my sanity

So the last 24hrs plus have been a little crazy.  Between baking, laundry, packing, sick baby, errands, and cleaning I'm about to hit a brick wall.

Starting yesterday morning this is how my time has been spent...

630am-wake up, take dog out, feed baby and watch a movie

830am-eat breakfast, put load of laundry in

900am-change out laundry, start sorting out kids clothes to pack

945am-change out laundry(fold and put away first load), start cookie batch #1-chocolate caramel, feed baby again(and as a reminder Im breastfeeding so I can't do anything else while he's eating)

1100am-take dog out, change out laundry(fold and put away second load), eat a snack, start cookie batch #2-blueberry cheesecake

Noon-feed baby, change out laundry(did not put that load away right then, basket on the bed was as far as it got for while), wash dishes(needed some clean bowls for more cookies

1230pm-lunch(which means scarf down my food in under 5mins), play with baby, start cookie batch #3-white chocolate cranberry

*this is how my afternoon was spent, on repeat!!  Ended up doing 6 loads of laundry(2 the day before), 4 different kinds of cookies(a plate for my neighbor who is watching our dog this weekend, a plate for our new neighbors that just moved in, a bucket for us to take to MN this weekend, and a bucket to keep at home.

Finally got some down time with my honey around 9pm, then went to bed around 1130-midnight!!

1230am today- baby wakes up extremely congested and choking on his snot

1235am-took baby to living room so Paul could get some sleep since he worked today

1240am to 230am-baby cried on and off(mostly on), I did a lot a nose sucking to try and help him but it just kept on coming.

230am-fell asleep on couch feeding baby(and only guessing on time here, that's the last time I looked at the clock.

5am-woke up in pain from sleeping on the couch, went back to bed in the bedroom

7am-fed baby, ate breakfast

8am-packed kids suitcase, laid out our clothes on bed

9am-called doc for baby, his congestion got bad again

10am-snuggled on couch and played with baby for a few minutes, fed baby

1045am-started packing our suitcases

1130am-did some more dishes, took dog out(rain finally stopped)

Noon-finished packing, fed baby

1pm-started blogging...

From then on its all kind of a blur, I went to Target, the bank, took a shower, blogged so more, ate another snack, fed the baby a few more times. Still left on the list, take dog for a walk, pack snacks, and give baby a bath.  I have 2hrs left before we load up and hit the road...and I didn't get my nap or a drink(unless lots and lots of coffee count)!! 

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